Philosophy of Education

Every day I learn something new; whether it’s in a university classroom, working with a mentor teacher, or substitute teaching. All of these things have shaped the teacher that I am. I believe that is when we take risks that we learn the most. When mistakes are valued as a unique opportunity to promote understanding, students of all ages are able to learn more. With this in mind, as a teacher I strive to create an environment where risk-taking is encouraged, there are a variety of hands-on and minds-on activities, and students are enthusiastically engaged in lessons that incorporate their individual learning style. Taking risks is what builds our self-confidence and the most meaningful learning occurs when we as learners can make a personal connection to the information being taught. It is my belief that by establishing a classroom culture of mutual respect and inspiring and engaging students in the learning process, it will help students keep making connections to material, applying their knowledge in the future, and not be afraid to make some mistakes along the way.

Every student is unique and needs security, kindness and a stimulating classroom environment to help them grow to their fullest potential emotionally, socially, and intellectually. It will be my responsibility as a teacher to create that environment and meet those needs by creating a safe, respectful community of learning that invites the sharing of ideas. This requires a willingness to “go the extra mile” for my students, to put forth my best effort at all times to help them be successful academically and as people. By modeling respect, honesty and openness my students will know that I value them as they are with each of their unique strengths and qualities. 

If I believe that students are incapable of learning then they will most likely struggle. Not because they are unintelligent or incapable, but because I will be less effective in my teaching. Every person regardless of age, race, or gender, is capable of learning. The only limitation to learning is each person’s attitude. A negative mindset yields negative results; this is why I place importance on mistakes, because they are opportunities to grow in our learning. They are not meant to be ashamed of, but to be analyzed to see how we can improve everyone’s thinking, because often times our peers may be struggling with the same concept.

With proper procedures and management, it will be easier to meet the objectives of the curriculum. The type of curriculum that I will use will be well-aligned to Common Core State Standards. It will employ a variety of inquiry-based lessons that allow students to apply and analyze their learning. It will also be important to continue to experiment with what is the most effective for my specific students, each who will have unique learning styles and needs.

It is my sincere hope that my future students will look back on their experience in my classroom and remember me as a teacher who was truly passionate about learning, who modeled respect and genuinely cared about their success and well-being. Also I hope to provide the tools they will need in order to reach their highest potential in an environment that is positive and uplifting.

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