Classroom Management Strategies

Music- I have seen first-hand how music can calm students and help them work, or get them excited about learning a topic.  I would like to use a pre-made playlist to facilitate transitions, work time, and as a cue that it is time to clean up or leave the classroom.  The songs would be repetitive, so that students knew that one song meant to clean up, another meant to transition to the next activity, etc.  Another use for music is with the program School Moves.  This program was developed by teachers and occupational therapists to help students with fine motor skills, or to calm down/energize students.  As different songs play students go through a series of movements that they have memorized and practiced.  Students will learn the purpose for using each song and practice it.  The class will discuss the usefulness of the tool, and if students are dissatisfied we can try to develop new things that will be better.  This fits with my belief in offering students choices with limits and fits my collaborative power base.

Stop Signs- For my inquiry project, I created three stop signs intended to help students learn to self-manage their own behavior.  There are three colors, yellow, orange, and red.  The yellow sign is given first and tells students "Please stop what you're doing and make a better choice."  The orange sign is given second and says "Second Warning-please stop what you're doing.  We will talk at recess." Last is the red sign which says " Please take this and your red folder to _______________'s office."  The red folder then has work for them to complete and they have a pre-arranged place to go to until the teacher can come talk to them.  Students learn what this tool means through a discussion with the teacher.  They then understand the purpose of the signs is to minimize embarassment and allow them the opportunity to correct a problem on their own.  If they are unable to solve the problem then they know the teacher will be meeting with them at recess to find a solution. Finally, if none of the above are successful students know that they will be asked to go to a quiet place away from the classroom to work.  This tool fits my beliefs that students should be held accountable for their behavior and that no behavior is a problem until it is negatively affecting someone else.  Furthermore, the signs allow me to continue to teach by only requiring me to walk over to the student and place a sign on their desk.  This minimizes distraction and embarassment to the student.

Love & Logic- I would like to create a Love & Logic classroom by discussing the following with students: I will treat you with respect, so you will know how to treat me; feel free to do anything you want that doesn't cause a problem for anyone else; if you cause a problem I will ask you to fix it; if you can't solve the problem, or choose not to, I will do something; what I will do will depend on the special person and the special situation; if you feel something is unfair, whisper to me "I'm not sure that's fair." and we will talk about it.  This management strategy fits my belief that teachers and students should collaborate together and that students are capable of solving their own problems.  Teachers can't control student behavior, they can only influence it, so it is important that students learn how to manage themselves with minimal interference from the teacher.  It does nothing for the student to have the teacher do all the worrying about the problem and all the work to solve it.

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